Project – Mr Kebab

We were invited to tender by the Pollock Hammond Partnership as part of the Paisley Regeneration Programme for the shop front improvement and building repair work as part of the Paisley Town Centre Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) and Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS). It was a tricky location, being on a busy junction in Paisley.
We carried out repairs and upgrading works including replacing a modern unsympathetic shop front with a new traditional one in line with the architect’s design requirements. The new shopfront was manufactured in our workshop before work began on site. Other features of the job were – a leaded stained glass window that had to be matched to an original; the refurbishment of a sash and case window and the replacement of another; extensive repairs to the roof.
“What I enjoyed most about working with John and Steve from Hutton and Read was the constant thinking and mock samples produced at site before assembly took place to ensure we were happy with the finer detailing of the shop front. That in itself is worth mentioning as it is an essential part of the contractor/architect/client relationship in achieving the desired result.”
Paul Campbell, Pollock Hammond Partnership

Mr Kebab before renovation

Woodwork detail

The corbels in the workshop